University "La Sapienza", Roma - Master courses in

"Astronomy and Astrophysics" and "Particle and Astroparticle Physics"


Lessons: "Particle and Astroparticle Physics" - 2021-22

Prof. Antonio Capone - (6 cfu, 60h of lessons and exercises) 


Lessons will be given in Aula 8 (IV floor), starting on September 24th:

in Aula 8 on

-       Monday          from  8:30 to 10:00

-       Friday              from 12:30 to 14:00

and since November 4th

-       Thursday        from 14:00 to 16:00


On November 11th and November 18th, the lessons will be given in Aula 5 (II floor)


Aula 8 and 5 are not equipped for "Remote attending" to the lessons, students are warmly invited to be present.  It will be possible, but is not granted, to follow the lessons via internet connection using the software “Google Meet” connecting, as La Sapienza users, to the link:


The lessons, for 6 cfu, will be given during the first term of the Academic year, for Master students in "Astronomy and Astrophysics" (II year) and for Master students year in "Physics" (I year).

The course is organized with 60h of frontal lessons, exercises and in-depth lessons.

Example of in-depth lessons organized for the previous Academic Year:

-       Prof. Silvia Celli:  Acceleration Mechanisms in astrophysical sources (2 hours);

-       Prof. Irene Di Palma: Gravitational Waves: what are them, detection techniques.  The discovery and observation of GW in a multimessenger scenario (4 hours);

-       Prof. Silvia Celli: digging-out events induced by high energy astrophysical neutrinos in a Neutrino Telescope: analysis techniques. (2 hours);

-       Prof. Giuseppe Di Sciascio: the LHAASO detector for High Energy (up to > PeV) Gammas and Charged Cosmic Rays. (2 hours).


Course Learning Objectives.   The objective of this course is to introduce students in the field of astroparticle physics.  At the end of this Course each student should have reached:

-       extensive, and up to date, knowledge of the problematic in High Energy Cosmic Rays physics;

-       extensive, and up to date, knowledge of the main experiments acting, or under construction, in the field of High Energy Cosmic Rays Physics;

-       knowledge of the open problems in the field and of the specific scientific vocabulary.


Program of the course (pdf file)

Calendar, issues discussed during lessons, slides, notes, didactics material, etc.

Dates and procedures for the examinations